TONA General Meeting

TONA General Meeting

Please join us at the Spring TONA General Meeting and Ice Cream Social from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 13th, 2025, at Thousand Oaks Baptist Church and Auditorium. Catalina at Colusa avenue. We’ll have an extra special treat this year: an open bluegrass and old-time music jam led by TONA members and other local musicians. Bring your guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, your best singing voice or any other instrument, and join the music.

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TONA 2024 Election Forum

TONA 2024 Election Forum

Please join us in person as we hear from candidates running for Berkeley Unified School District and District 5 City Council.

This election forum will be held in-person at Thousand Oaks Baptist Church ( On Catalina just east of Colusa Avenue.)

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Join us for a lecture by celebrated author Ally Markovich and award-winning photographer Ximena Natera as we learn about the unique geological and historical phenomenon found right here in Thousand Oaks. Come with questions, as well as your own stories of how the rock have impacted your life in the neighborhood.

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TONA Community Meeting

TONA Community Meeting

Ice cream social starts at 6:30 p.m

Thousand Oaks Baptist Church Auditorium

(at Catalina and Colusa) Enter on Catalina about a block east of the main church entrance

How to Start or Revitalize a Neighborhood Group

in conversation with
Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Neighborhood Network

Wildfires, hurricanes, floods, mudslides, earthquakes, and pandemics. Disasters feel almost commonplace these days, and it can feel overwhelming, with fear paralyzing us into inaction. 

The mission of
Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Neighborhood Network (BDPNN) is based on the fact that the best thing someone can do to save lives when preparing for a disaster is to get to know their neighbors. That simple act of connection means we’re more likely to be there for each other when a large-scale emergency hits, and also when we work to prepare for those events.

There are many ways to form a neighborhood group, but there are hurdles that can feel like it’s not worth the effort. And when we succeed, often we find that after a while, as people come and go, the cohesiveness that we worked so hard to create has fizzled.

Come be a part of a conversation about how BDPNN, an all-volunteer nonprofit, works to support individuals and neighborhoods to better connect and prepare for disasters using the positive tenets of mutual aid rather than the short-lived effects of fear. Bring your success stories as well as your hurdles and be part of making Thousand Oaks an even more resilient community.

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TONA General Meeting

Recycling in Berkeley Demystified!

Register here. LINK

Phone in: (669) 900 6833

Meeting ID: 815 6911 9670

Passcode: 054960

The Ecology Center (EC) has operated Berkeley’s Curbside Recycling Program since 1973. Under city contract, it operates a weekly collection of cans, bottles, newsprint, mixed paper, and cardboard and continues to serve as a global leader in the zero-waste movement. Join us online as two EC representatives provide clarity around Berkeley’s recycling processes, uncover curiosities, and answer long-standing questions about what really happens to your recyclables after they leave your curb. You’ll learn more about what makes something recyclable (or not!) and how your daily actions and choices play a role in our local zero-waste journey toward a truly sustainable economy. There’ll be a Q&A at the end. Bring your questionable items to share onscreen and find out whether it’s recyclable, compost, or trash!

  • What goes where?

  • Recycling best practices for the City of Berkeley’s curbside recycling program •

  • Resources for proper sorting and materials disposal •

  • Problems with plastics •

  • Tips and strategies for reducing waste and working toward a zero-waste lifestyle

Leonardo Mendoza is Recycling Education Program Coordinator with valuable knowledge and experience in the field from his work with Ecology Action in Santa Cruz and with the Center for the Development of Recycling at San Jose State University.

Denaya Shorter is Community Engagement Program Director and oversees educational programming including the store, public resource center, and EcoHouse.

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General Meeting

TONA School Board Forum Meeting

School Board Candidates (3 seats available):

Ka’Dijah Brown • Mike Chang • Tatiana Guerreiro Ramos

Norma Harrison • Reichi Lee • Jennifer Shanoski

Join TONA via Zoom for our school board election forum! We’ll be following our usual format: brief introductions, followed by as many questions as our 75-minute meeting will allow (giving each candidate roughly 2 minutes to answer), ending with brief concluding statements by each candidate. Have a question you’d like us to ask? Email and we’ll do our best to include it as time allows.

This year there are 3 (out of 5) seats up for grabs on the Berkeley Unified School District school board. That means that this year’s election could really change the direction of things at the district level. School board memberships are 4 years long and are “at large” meaning you can vote for all three

spots. Ka’Dijah Brown is the only candidate who is currently holding a spot on the board. Early voting begins October 10, when you can start returning your vote-by-mail ballot. Election Day is November 8.

*Zoom link; short version:

Phone in: (669) 900 6833; Meeting ID: 874 8698 0208; Passcode: 469000

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TONA's “Home-Grown” Artists and Makers Fair


TONA's “Home-Grown” Artists and Makers Fair

Location: Peralta Park at the corner of Solano and Peralta

We welcome our Thousand Oaks neighbors to sign up to share whatever your creative talent/s may be. Are you a

  • Painter?

  • Knitter?

  • Fabric artist?

  • Jewelry maker?

  • Photographer?

  • Glass artist?

  • Potter?

  • Kitchen creative?

Or maybe you’re involved in some other original endeavor. Exhibit and/or sell your creative talents and explore those of your Thousand Oaks neighbors at “Home-Grown Creations,” a neighborhood arts/crafts/maker fair sponsored by the Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Association.

If you haven’t signed up yet please do so by May 1 by sending an email with the following
information to

  1. Name and home address

  2. email address or preferred method of communicating with you

  3. general description of the talent you will be sharing

Bring whatever you need to display your art/craft. If you need a table let us know as soon as supply is limited.

Please contact us with any questions. We look forward to this delightful Spring event!

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TONA General Meeting

Peralta Park Upgrades!

At this general meeting come to hear about the proposed improvements at Peralta Park. Not sure where Peralta Park is located? It’s the small open space and tot lot along Solano Avenue at Peralta Street. The city is planning to improve the park with native landscape plantings, new furniture, and play elements in the tot lot.

Zoom information

*Zoom link: (case sensitive)

or join by phone: (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 865 1227 0211; Passcode: 576634)

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Be Wildfire Ready

featuring representatives from 

Berkeley Office of Emergency Services
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
Berkeley Disaster Prep Neighborhood Network
Berkeley Mutual Aid

Catalyzed by the climate crisis, wildfires are now a year-round threat. Devastating examples like the Tubbs Fire demonstrate that large-scale fires are no longer limited to properties bordering wilderness areas.

In addition, the dangers are not limited to fires themselves. Smoke from nearby (and not so nearby) wildfires causes discomfort to some and is life-threatening to others. The risk that powerlines may cause a wildfire results in planned and unplanned power outages, which cause disruption in our livelihoods and threaten the health and safety of those dependent on power.

Come learn how to “be prepared, not scared.” Find out about existing and new programs for emergency notifications, free emergency go kits and air filters, and evacuation drills. Discover how to hardscape your property, the advantage of spark-resistant attic venting, and how to be a wildfire buddy to give and get support before the threat of a wildfire becomes a reality.

The presentations will be information-rich. We will record the session, but get your questions answered by attending the event or by submitting them ahead of time to

*Zoom link:
or call (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 842 0226 5859; Passcode: 270611)

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