featuring representatives from
Berkeley Office of Emergency Services
CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
Berkeley Disaster Prep Neighborhood Network
Berkeley Mutual Aid
Catalyzed by the climate crisis, wildfires are now a year-round threat. Devastating examples like the Tubbs Fire demonstrate that large-scale fires are no longer limited to properties bordering wilderness areas.
In addition, the dangers are not limited to fires themselves. Smoke from nearby (and not so nearby) wildfires causes discomfort to some and is life-threatening to others. The risk that powerlines may cause a wildfire results in planned and unplanned power outages, which cause disruption in our livelihoods and threaten the health and safety of those dependent on power.
Come learn how to “be prepared, not scared.” Find out about existing and new programs for emergency notifications, free emergency go kits and air filters, and evacuation drills. Discover how to hardscape your property, the advantage of spark-resistant attic venting, and how to be a wildfire buddy to give and get support before the threat of a wildfire becomes a reality.
The presentations will be information-rich. We will record the session, but get your questions answered by attending the event or by submitting them ahead of time to tona.board@gmail.com.
*Zoom link: https://bit.ly/TONAwildfire_ready
or call (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 842 0226 5859; Passcode: 270611)